This property indicates whether a web part can open a popup on initial render. In some environments the host re-renders the web parts frequently, and therefor, opening popups during render will cause popups to open repeatedly and hence poor user experience. As an example, the classic SharePoint pages perform postbacks and hence page re-render on all button clicks. If a web part needs to open a popup on render, it should use this API before opening the popup. If this API returns false, the web part should not open popup on initial render. Some web parts that open popups during render are the document embed web part that pops up the file picker on initial render, embedded video web part that pops up the PropertyPane on initial render.
Error on attempt to set readonly properties. The following properties will go away when TypeScript supports readonly.
Indicates whether the web part is rendering in Async mode. Default value is false. If the web part overrides this field to return true, then it needs to call renderCompleted API after the web part rendering is complete.
This property defines metadata for the web part property bag. The metadata can help SharePoint understand the content of the properties better and perform relevant services on the data.
This value is the available width of the area in which the web part can render itself.
This API should be used to clear the error message from the web part display area.
This API is called after the web part is deserialized to an object, right before the property bag is populated. The default implementation is a no-op. A web part developer can override this API if the deserialized object does not fully reflect the initial state of the property bag. This gives the web part developer a chance to populate the property bag right after the data is deserialized to an object.
The object deserialized from the stored data. Note that the schema of this object is not necessarily consistent with the current property bag, because the serialization could have been done by an older version of the web part
The data version of the stored data being deserialized. You can use this value to determine if the data was serialized by an older web part. Web parts can define their data version by overriding the dataVersion property.
The property bag of the web part
This API is invoked after the changes made on the PropertyPane are applied when the PropertyPane is used in Non-Reactive mode. This API is not invoked when the PropertyPane is used in Reactive mode.
This API is invoked when the web part container dom element width is changed, e.g. when the browser browser window is resized and when the property pane is toggled open/close.
Webparts should utilize this method to perform operations such as potentially re-rendering components based on the new availble width for the webpart.
This API is called before the web part is serialized. The default implementation is a no-op. The serialization process serializes the web part property bag i.e. This API gives the web part a chance to update it's property bag before the serialization happens. Some web part's may keep their state other objects or even in the DOM. If a web part needs to persist some of that state, it needs to override this API and update the web part property bag to the latest state. If a web part updates the property bag with invalid property values, those will get persisted. So that should be avoided. The web part property bag should always contain valid property values.
This API is called when the display mode of a web part is changed. The default implementation of this API calls the web part render method to re-render the web part with the new display mode. If a web part developer does not want a full re-render to happen on display mode change, they can override this API and perform specific updates to the web part DOM to switch its display mode.
The old display mode.
This API should be used to refresh the contents of the PropertyPane. This API is called at the end of the web part lifecycle on a page. It should be used to dispose any local resources (i.e. DOM elements) that the web part is holding onto. This API is expected to be called in scenarios like page navigation i.e. the host is transitioning from one page to another and disposes the page that is being transitioned out.
This API is used to receive custom event notifications from the host page or another web part. ReservedEventNames defines some reserved events. Each web part may process web part specific events.
Event name, such as "setPropertyPaneState".
object containing event source, destination and property information.
This API should be overridden to perform long running operations e.g. data fetching from a remote service before the initial rendering of the web part. The loading indicator is displayed during the lifetime of this method. This API is called only once during the lifecycle of a web part.
This API is invoked when the configuration is completed on the PropertyPane. It's invoked in the following cases:
This API is invoked when the configuration starts on the PropertyPane. It's invoked in the following cases:
This API is invoked after updating the new value of the property in the property bag when the PropertyPane is being used in Reactive mode. The base implementation of this API re-renders the web part.
JSON path of the property in the property bag.
Old value of the property.
New value of the property.
This API is invoked when the PropertyPane is rendered.
From framework standpoint, we do not want to allow this event handler to be passed in, and trigger it. This api should be deprecated and then removed as part of refactoring.
This API should be called by web parts that perform Async rendering. Those web part are required to override the isRenderAsync API and return true. One such example is web parts that render content in an IFrame. The web part initiates the IFrame rendering in the render() API but the actual rendering is complete only after the iframe loading completes.
This API should be used to render an error message in the web part display area. Also logs the error message using the trace logger.
An error object containing the error message to render.
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